History of Chinese automobile development

History of Chinese automobile development

Ever since the automobile was born on the European continent in the late 19th century, it has accompanied the ebb and flow of time and sailed far away. After a long time of grinding, China's automobile industry has finally been reborn and spread its wings on the world stage. Let us trace the development history of Chinese automobile from the direction of industry, and feel its magnificent eventful years together. Looking back on the development of China's automobile industry, we can divide it into five stages: The initial stage (1953-1978) The birth of the first Automobile factory in Changchun, China's automobile industry kicked off the prelude. In 1953, China's first Jiefang brand car rolled off the production line, and since then China has embarked on the journey of automobile

industrialization. Since then, automobile enterprises and parts enterprises have emerged successively, laying the foundation for China's automobile industry. By 1978, the domestic automobile production exceeded 100,000. Development and growth stage (1979-1991) The spring breeze of reform and opening up, China's automobile industry has developed rapidly. Various automobile enterprises have introduced foreign advanced technology and launched joint ventures with international automobile giants. It is worth mentioning that Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation and Volkswagen of Germany jointly created Shanghai Volkswagen, which became the first Sino-foreign joint venture production of cars in China, and injected new vitality into the development of China's automobile industry.

Transformation and upgrading stage (1992-2000) In 1992, China's automobile production exceeded 1 million, ranking among the world's top ten automobile production. The government implements the policy of "liberalizing production, adjusting structure, improving quality and developing supporting facilities" to promote the transformation and upgrading of the automobile industry. During this period, domestic car brands such as Geely and BYD gradually rose, and domestic cars occupied a growing share of the domestic market. High-speed development stage (2001-2010) With China's accession to the WTO, the automobile industry has gradually entered the high-speed development channel. In 2009, China overtook the US to become the world's largest car market. In 2010, China's automobile production exceeded 18 million. Transformation and upgrading and new energy vehicle development stage (2011-present) faced with energy and environmental pressure, the government vigorously promote new energy vehicles, the implementation of the "energy conservation and new energy vehicle industry development plan".

The new energy automobile industry has developed rapidly, and its production and sales have ranked first in the world for many consecutive years. In the process of automobile development, the changes of The Times and industries have brought great impact on the development of automobiles. In the flood of The Times, China's automobile industry is constantly changing and evolving. From high-speed development to transformation and upgrading With the gradual saturation of the automobile market, the problem of overcapacity has become prominent. Since 2011, the government has intensified its regulation, implemented the guiding ideology of "reducing capacity, adjusting structure and transforming mode", and promoted the transformation and upgrading of the automobile industry. Investment and policy orientation The government's investment in the automobile industry has been increasing, and through measures such as reducing the burden on enterprises and optimizing the industrial structure, enterprises are guided to increase research and development efforts and enhance competitiveness. Expand domestic demand and develop new energy vehicles policies guide the expansion of domestic demand, such as the implementation of new energy vehicle purchase tax incentives, increase new energy vehicle indicators.

The new energy automobile industry has developed rapidly, and its production and sales have ranked first in the world for many consecutive years. In the past vicissitudes of life, China's automobile industry has been booming. The scale of production and sales continues to expand: In 2022, China's automobile production and sales will reach 27.02 million units, accounting for 31.8% of the global total, ranking first in the world. Intensified brand competition: In the face of competition from international brands, domestic brands such as Geely and BYD have increased technological innovation to enhance brand competitiveness. New energy vehicles and intelligent connected vehicles are developing rapidly: the government's support for new energy vehicles and intelligent connected vehicles continues to increase, the market share continues to expand, and the industrial chain is increasingly improved. Standing at the new historical node, we can see the future development trend of China's automobile industry. New energy vehicles and intelligent connected vehicles will become the leading industry development: With policy support and technological progress, new energy vehicles and intelligent connected vehicles will become the leading industry development. Industrial upgrading and innovation-driven: enterprises need to take innovation as the core, optimize industrial layout, and enhance competitiveness. Such as the development of independent brands, improve product quality.

Global layout and industrial chain cooperation: Chinese automobile enterprises will accelerate the global layout and cooperate with the international industrial chain to achieve complementary advantages. Green, intelligent and shared development direction: The future automotive industry will take the road of green, intelligent and shared development to achieve sustainable development. China's automobile industry in the magnificent history of the long river, pushing forward, active transformation. From the initial groping start, to today's world stage to advance; From the rise of domestic brands to the competition in the international market; The transformation from traditional fuel vehicles to new energy vehicles and intelligent networked vehicles; We believe that in the near future, China's automobile industry will still ride the waves, climb the top of science and technology, and write its own brilliant chapter.